You can now shop from featured retailers directly on Lyst. Whenever you see a product with the "Add to Bag" button, you can place an order with the featured retailer through Lyst. The retailer will then process, fulfill and deliver the item to you.
To place an order on Lyst, simply select a size, if necessary, and click the "Add to Bag” button. Guest checkout is available although we recommend you sign in for faster checkout. You will have an opportunity to review your complete order before you submit your purchase. We will place your order with the supplying store who will send you a confirmation email that the order has been received.
Shipping options vary by store and delivery destination. We will display an estimated shipping cost at the beginning of the checkout process. This is based on the best standard domestic options offered by the store. As you go through the checkout process you will be given the shipping choices as offered by the store for your destination.
Returns and exchange policies vary by store and we would advise checking their website for the most detailed information about return policies.
Please Note
Although we try very hard to keep this information up to date, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information presented and cannot be held liable for mistakes. It is only meant to be indicative and is in no way comprehensive. Please refer to the retailer’s own website for more detailed information including exceptions and restrictions.
Your security is important to us. Lyst uses the industry standard protocol known as Transport Layer Security (TLS), which encrypts potentially sensitive information for all data transmission.
If you purchase an item as a registered member, some of your payment details will be saved for faster checkout in the future. We only display the last 4 digits of your credit card and the expiration date.
To keep this information secure we will always ask for your username and password during checkout.
If you are using Klarna checkout, any storage, transmission, processing or handling of customer information by Klarna will be governed by Klarna’s terms and conditions which can be viewed here.
If you change your password, all your payment details are automatically deleted and you will need to fill in your payment details again during your next purchase. We will also notify you via email.